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Simple Assembly Explorer 2014 SAE.v1.14.x

Long time they did not update. now year 2014 SAE released
powerfull and lightweight .NET decompiler+Disassembler

Assembler: call ilasm to assemble il file
Disassembler: call ildasm to disassemble assembly
Deobfuscator: de-obfuscate obfuscated assembly
Strong Name: remove strong name, sign assembly, add/remove assembly to/from GAC
PE Verify: call peverify to verify assemblies
Class Editor: browse/view assembly classes, edit method instructions
Run Method: run static methods
Profiler: Trace function calls and parameters with SimpleProfiler

Relector: plugin which call Reflector to browse selected assembly
ILMerge: plugin which call ilmerge to merge selected assemblies
Edit File: plugin which call your editor to view selected assembly
Plugin Sample: plugin sample

Copy Info: copy information of selected assemblies to clipboard
Open Folder: open container folder
Delete File: delete selected file(s)

DOWNLOAD Simple Assembly Explorer SAE.v1.14.4.x86/x64