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Scan Server Crypted Before Deobfuscate

You have chance REFUD the server with .net obfuscator such as smart assembly, Crypto Obfuscator , dotNET Reactor, ect.
Before use these REFUD technique, use DNID tool for analyze the crypted server which already  obfuscated or not. Deobfuscate need take place for renew the REFUD process.

Deobfuscate the crypter already  obfuscate (REFUD technique) Video tutor-> Click Here
DNID V0.12 by Rue DotNET Packer Detector

Reveals the Packer information of Almost all the PE Files. Detector for Dot Net Applications.

2011/01/08 - Version 0.12b
Removed broken ElecKey signature.
2011/01/08 - Version 0.12a
* Improved scan time with native C dll and added scan time section
* Added signatures :
DotNet Reactor v3.X [Native]
Adept Protector v1.X
Adept Protector v2.1
Sixxpack v2.2
Sixxpack v2.4
Crypto Obfuscator For .Net v5.X
ElecKey [AnyCPU] (thanks High6)

2011/01/02 - Version 0.11a
New version, fixed the data directory bug, added support for native files and implemented a basic userdb system (will be improved).
* Maximize button disabled
* Form starts in center screen.
* Basic external signatures implemented. (userdb.txt)

* Fixed Signatures :
.NET Spider v0.5A - v1.3
Confuser v1.X
DotNet Reactor v4.X [Native]
PECompact .NET v2.0 - v3.X

* Added Signatures :
.netshrink v2.01 Demo
.netshrink v2.01 Demo + Password

2010/12/30 - Version 0.10a
* Inspired by Rongchaua's DotNetId
* First public release
* Signature List :
SmartAssembly v3.X
SmartAssembly v4.X
SmartAssembly v5.X
Phoenix Protector v1.7 - v1.8
Phoenix Protector v1.X
Confuser v1.X
The Enigma Protector
Enigma Virtual Box v1.X
PECompact .NET v2.0 - v3.X
dotNet Protector v4.0 - v5.X
.NETZ Packer -> MadeBits
Obfuscar v1.0 - v2.X
PC Guard for .NET v5.X
Skater .NET Obfuscator
Xenocode Postbuild v2.X - v3.X
Spices.Net Obfuscator
Obfuscator.NET 2009
Goliath .NET Obfuscator
Babel Obfuscator v3.X
Babel Obfuscator v1.0 - 2.X
DeepSea Obfuscator
.NET Spider v0.5A - v1.3
MPAC Packer
MPRESS v1.0 - v2.X
DotNet Reactor v4.X
DotNet Reactor v4.X [Native]
Protect Me! 2010
Themida v1.9
Themida v2.X
Dotpack 1.0B1 All Versions

DOWNLOAD HERE (backup link)

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