New project for a new idea although KingdomSc work on a similar project.
It is a project for PHP Page and SteaLer language VB.NET!
The idea is to spread the Stealer biggest way possible and to withdraw Albasordat and send PHP Page!
I wrote a draft of the project from scratch with the exception of Class SqliteHandler for reading files Sqlite!
I thought , and I found that the best way to take advantage of the project is put through and waiting developed by the developers!
Spreads are dependent proliferation in Rar files and USB I wrote it myself :)!
Pull Albasordat currently only Opera - Google because I wanted to end the project as soon as, I began to feel bored!
Thread Of course Knqah If at any problem or suggestion or request or criticism please feel free to ask :)!
Source SteaLer in the bottom of the topic to take advantage of tags!
regards I M 9
P/s the best part is spreader HDD and rar spreader ..
the bad part design for opera and google chrome .. :(
I do some change for your own get client IP. purpose avoid suspicious activity in your own stealer
Quick setup:
- change username and password
- upload all inside into your webhost
- set your url stealer
- upload getIP.php into your webhost and change the link
- Build