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WARNING !!!All Video Tutorial and Information in this website is just for educational purpose only. Used for illegal activity is completely a crime. So Please don't try to do.I do not take any responsibility.

BlackShades RAT Video Tutor Setup From A-Z Easy Method

Blackshades RAT is a very advanced Remote Administration Tool coded in Visual Basic 6. VB6 is not as limited and useless as you think. This RAT has no dependencies (.NET Framework, java, etc) and works extremely well. With Blackshades NET you can also host an Booter or controlling a Botnet. Blackshades NET does a lot of the work for you - it can automatically map your ports, seed your torrent for you, and spread through AIM, MSN, ICQ and USB devices. Users also get their own support forum where they can give suggestions for updates, report bugs, get support from the coders and other member

p/s : The valuable Paid RAT you must have :)

Offilcial Website
Version 5.0
=Webcam Manager - Recoded a fair bit of the webcam manager to improve quality and speed. You should also note that you are now able to resize the window, allowing you a clearer picture in certain scenarions
=Screen Capture - Recoded a portion to improve speed and quality
General Stability - General server stability has been improved to cause less random disconnects, and to overall improve your connection with your clients
=Deprecated Features - Features that are based on old versions of programs have been removed for updating. You should find that all features are accurate to current day programs. This is giving us more space to improve current features and develop new ones.

How To Setup Blackshades RAT?
I have provide your video tutorial "how to setup xtreme RAT". The video is make it very simple way how to setup especially for newbie.
Video Tutor Contain:
~ Installation using Blackshades RAT 5.0 Cracked
~ Register
~ port-forward for router user or broadband user (4g,3g)
~ check port forward
~ create server with setting commonly telly with all crypter
~ crypt the server
~ Test the server at real situation (different ip between attacker and victim)
 WARNING !!!This is just for educational purpose only. Using RAT to control unauthorized system is completely a crime. So Please don't try to do.

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