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Ultimate Auto Buyer Multi Account System FuLL by darktheatre [FiFa online bot]

One of other Auto Buyer Fifa online bot

During the FUT13 season, EA introduced a request limit on their servers. The limit means that if any account does more than 3 requests per second, it will be logged off. Therefore, a single account can only do 3 searches per second before he’s logged off.

3 searchers per second is not a lot, so to increase the number of requests per second, we introduced our multi account system, which enables up to 9 users to log in simultaneously. The first account is the main account – the account doing the buying and selling, while the remaining 8 accounts are responsible for the searching.

By sharing the searches between these 8 searcher accounts, Ultimate Auto Buyer makes it possible to do up to 24 searches (3*8) per second without getting thrown off the servers!

DOWNLOAD Ultimate Auto Buyer Multi Account System Cracked by darktheatre
Password ZIP
Required .NET Framework 4 installed.
Recommended use test account before satisfy for real account