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Facebook Auto Message Sender v4.8 FuLL by darktheatre

To round out our suite of products, we finally got around to giving you the option to send your friends, or contacts a message on auto pilot. Now, no need to sit there and copy and paste the message a group of friends, you can now simply create a friend list, scrape the id's and names from the facebook page, enter your message and hit a button, easy as that. As you know, many of our other products use the same built in browser, and automation to ensure easy message delivery!

You can now target friend groups by using scraping ID's from friend lists. We give you the persons ID as well as the name to ensure your sending to the correct person!

Yes, you read it right. the software will post on all your facebook friends profiles, no mass posts, pure 100% posts as if you were human. It will also take and insert the persons name if you like in front of the post. For example.

"Jennifer, we havent talked to so long, hit me up!"

It will auto grab the firstname of the profile you are currently on, and add it to your message! Now you dont look like a pure bot!

Highly Recommend Follow Video Tutor How to Use

DOWNLOAD Facebook Auto Message Sender v4.8 Cracked by darktheatre
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