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Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 Released (security-focused live CD)

Pentoo is a security-focused live CD based on Gentoo It's basically a Gentoo install with lots of customized tools, customized kernel, and much more.
Pentoo LiveCD 1
Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 features :
  • Changes saving
  • CUDA/OpenCL Enhanced cracking software
    • John the ripper
    • Hashcat Suite of tools
  • Kernel 3.7.5 and all needed patches for injection
  • XFCE 4.10
  • All the latest tools and a responsive development team!
Here is a non-exhaustive list of the features currently included :
  • Hardened Kernel with aufs patches
  • Backported Wifi stack from latest stable kernel release
  • Module loading support ala slax
  • Changes saving on usb stick
  • XFCE4 wm
  • Cuda/OPENCL cracking support with development tools
  • System updates if you got it finally installed

Download Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1