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Facebook Group Fan And Event User ID Scraper v2.1 Full by darktheatre

So many of you were asking for this tool to help you scrape the User ID's from a Fanpage, Eventpage or Group Page, well now you can do it with ease. Before many of you would only be able to get the friendly url of a facebook user ie:, and that didn't really do much for your marketing needs. Well now you can scrape the actual hidden user ID from any GroupPage, EventPage or FanPage easily with 1 click of a button!
But wait, we scrape more then just the User ID. We also grab the friendly URL, and the persons name! You can download this list to comman delimited .txt file, want it saved to a .csv or open it in excel, no problem just change the .txt to a .csv and you are good to go. All the information is formatted into nicelly neat colulmns!

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DOWNLOAD Facebook Group Fan And Event User ID Scraper v2.1 Cracked by darktheatre
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