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Facebook Email / Data Grabber v4.1 FuLL by darktheatre

New Update! Now we have a built in OCR reader. What is an OCR reader? some of you are asking, well... Facebook has gone through alot of upgrades lately, and one of them being, if your account is marked or flaged as spam, you can get all your emails of your friends with the normal bot, after 30 or so they will turn into images. So, with the new v2.0 version you have both ways of getting emails, the classic way, and the new OCR way! But wait thats not it, we also now provide you with other information on the profile that you grabbed the email from. We also give you, age, birthday, location, and other information from there profile! But wait thats not it also, we also give you the ability to email all those contacts that were pulled!

 OCR Reader gets Friend ID/URL Full Name, Email, OPTIONAL ITEMS Depending on Facebook Build( Sex, Birthday, Phone Number, Hometown, Relationship, Interested In, Looking For, Religtion, Email Address, Bio, College, High School, Company, and Position.) MORE TO COME!!

Have you ever wanted to get all the email address of your friends on facebook, and send them an email, or notice? Well, some of you have, and doing this one by one, can take hours, if not days if you have alot of friends. Our Facebook auto email grabber will get all your freinds, and loop through to get there email address, after its done you can simply save it to your desktop.

Do you want to gather emails for marketing your new product, or your next huge event? Sometime Facebook's built in notification go unheard or unseen. Now once you auto grab all your friends emails, you can send them multiple update and reminders. Keep everyone informed on 1 email about your next event, or get together. This is all Automatic, you set it and let it does it thing. It will auto grab all email accounts from your facebook friends, how can you beat that...

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DOWNLOAD Facebook Email / Data Grabber v4.1 cracked by darktheatre
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