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Lost Door v8.0 Pure (Remote Administration Tool)

Lost Door Remote Administration Tool By OussamiO

Lost Door 8 Pure Changelog
 [+] Lost®Door Now Need Only 1 Port: 9481
 [+] Flag System By IP
 [+] FireFox passwords Removed ( Old Version not working no more)
 [+] Windows Manager Improved " Maximize , Minimize , Rename window" (14/09/2012)
 [+] Live KeyLogger (28/08/2012)
 [+] Set The FontSize + Numbers of Copipes in the Remote Printer ( 3/09/2012)
 [+] Protect Server as System process (No way to close Server  / Closing it will Cause a Computer shutdown ) (1/09/2012)
 [+] Upload Fixed  (27/08/2012)
 [+] Download Code changed (Safer) (27/08/2012)
 [+] fast Preview of Remote .JPG files in Files manager
 [+] Server Size Reduiced To 52 KB Compressed (Old Size 70 KB)
 [+] Lost®Door multilanguages Support [English , Arabic , French , Spanich ,Polish , Italian ,Swidesh and for my Geeks Friends into 1337 ]

 [+] Features Improved / Fixed and Regrouped Into One Form Named "Control Pannel"
 [+] Codes Updated, Some Replaced By APi's
 [+] Graphics Improved & Style Changed into more friendly One
 [+] Keylogger Totaly Changed
 [+] A Fast Screen & Info Prview added to the main body
 [+] Country Flag Detection System imporved
 [+] WebCam & Desktop Stream are Faster & Regroupoed Into one Form
 [+] Choose Streamer Pciture Quality  (2/09/2012)
 [+] Tested On : Windows Vista , Windows 7 Ultuimate , Professional & Starter  , Windows XP & Sweet , Windows 8  - all Service Packs X32Bits

 Lost Door tested Under Windows 8 it works perfectly

 Lost Door v8.0 Pure Resources & compenants By UniQue OussamiO 16/10/2012
Improtant :  This is an original  liste of files and size For your safty do check Files before Executing it if you donwloaded lost door from a suspecious website

Executable Compenants Table
       Lost Door Inner Resources Table:
     RSC ID  NAME    EXT   Size     DATE
     ====== ======= ===== ====== ==========
      101   Server  .Exe  44 Ko  16-10-2012
      102   Connect .Wav  264Ko  16-10-2012
      103   Msn     .Wav  191Ko  16-10-2012
      104   Server  .Exe  136Ko  16-10-2012
       Total Resources Files Size: 635ko

              Lost Door OCX Files Table:
      NAME                                 SIZE
     ===================================  ========
     Codejock.CommandBars.v12.0.1.ocx      2062Ko
     Codejock.Controls.v12.0.1.ocx         1610Ko
     Codejock.SkinFramework.v12.0.1.ocx     506Ko
     COMCTL32.OCX                           595ko
     COMDLG32.OCX                           450Ko
     MSCOMCTL.OCX                          1075ko
     MSINET.OCX                             130ko
     MSWINSCK.OCX                           106ko
        Total OCX Files Size: 6534ko

         Lost Door .EXE Files Table:
          NAME                  SIZE
      ==============          ========
      Registrator.exe          55.1KO
      Lost®Door v8.0 Pure.exe   969ko
       Total EXE Files Size: 1024.1ko

         Lost Door SKINS Files Table:
          NAME                  SIZE
      ==============          ========
      Black.Style             1492KO
      Office                   481ko
      Vista                    413ko
       Total SKINS Files Size: 2386ko

  Documents tables

         Lost Door LNG Files Table:
          NAME         SIZE    TRANSLATED BY
      ============== ========  =============
1337          5ko       OussamiO
         Arabic        5ko     Aymèèn Afellah
        English        5ko       OussamiO
        Français       6ko       P.DE LETTRE
        Italian        4ko   Daniele Frigerio
        Spanish        6ko  Jorge Luis Herrera  
        Swedish        4KO     Wille holm
        Polish         4KO        M.KOT
      Total LNG Files Size: 39ko

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