Previous, you can get Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2012 License Key from PCWelt , now yu can get it from ComputerBild for free. With the Tuning Tool, make a few mouse clicks that your system is running as stable and as fast as after reinstalling Windows...
How to start: At the end of the installation, you must register with the manufacturer free of charge to receive a license key. Enter it in the window that opens your email address and click "Get full version key" button. You now need to log in a password or create a new Ashampoo account. After you receive the license key in the window, you also get it again via email. Enter the key at the first launch into the license key field and then click on "Apply Now"...
Select the installation type "Custom Installation" if you do not want the toolbar installed Ashampoo nor the Web-search...
Get full version from ComputerBild:
- Download Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2012 here:HErE
-Can get the License key here: HERE