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Serial Number for Avanquest Energy Eco

The energy mobilised for your PC is often much more than it really needs to operate...

Energy Saver Eco adapts to this and adjusts the power of your computer automatically according to the programs and functions you are using, by managing the stand-by parameters of your Windows operating system and dynamically optimising the performance of your processor..

The Energy Saver Eco stand-by system ensures that your computer does not work unnecessarily while you are not using it. A computer in stand-by mode consumes only a very little energy. Conversely, a computer that is displaying a screen saver uses as much energy as while you are working on it..

Stand-by is therefore a very useful solution: 
- Your computer retains all of the data that you are using and consumes very little energy.
- The computer exits stand-by rapidly and your workspace is still intact...

Very little energy and allows a very rapid exit from stand-by, and extended stand-by, which writes the data to the hard drive, consumes very little energy and allows a rapid restart of your computer.
Since the use of your computer varies during the day, Energy Saver Eco offers you the possibility of defining Intelligent stand-by rules for day and night time...


Microsoft® Windows® 7...
Windows Vista®...
Windows® XP...
1.0 GHz processor. 512 Mb RAM..
10 Gb hard disk (requires 5 Mb free disk space), .NET Framework 2.5..

Visit HERE to get Serial Number for Avanquest Energy Eco free..
Download the installer here:HERE (17.5 MB - in German)..