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VirusTotal For Android [good for stop new malware]

Having Virustotal scanner inside your android device is good way to stop new/future android malware from spread outhere.
As know, Virustotal send the sample to AV company for each infected file for futher research/study by AV company in the world

VirusTotal for Android checks the applications installed in your Android phone against VirusTotal ( It will inform you about malware (virus, trojans, worms) on your phone and allows you to upload any unknown applications to VirusTotal. In other words, VirusTotal for Android will get your applications scanned by more than 40 antivirus, flagging any undesired content.
Please note that VirusTotal for Android does not provide real-time protection and, so, is no substitute for any antivirus product, just a second opinion regarding your apps.

DOWNLOAD FREE VirusTotal Scanner