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DEFT 7.2 Released - Computer Forensic live system

DEFT 7.2 released its last 32bit release but we will support bugfix until 2020. DEFT is a new concept of Computer Forensic live system that uses LXDE as desktop environment and thunar file manager and mount manager as tool for device management. It is a very easy to use system that includes an excellent hardware detection and the best free and open source applications dedicated to incident response and computer forensics
DEFT 7.2 Released   Computer Forensic live system

New in this release:
  • Virtual appliance based on Vmware 5 with USB3 support
  • Kernel 3.0.0-26
  • Autopsy 3 beta 5 (using Wine – please note that you need minimum 1GB ram)
  • Log2tmeline 0.65
  • Guymager 0.6.12-1
  • Vmfs support
  • Some mirror fix
Download DEFT 7.2 iso