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WARNING !!!All Video Tutorial and Information in this website is just for educational purpose only. Used for illegal activity is completely a crime. So Please don't try to do.I do not take any responsibility.

What is Remote administration Tools (RAT)

adalah sebuah software yang membenarkan kawalan untuk mengawal system termasuk Physical Access pada system keseluruhannya.Contoh anda adalah komputer A dan mahu mengawal komputer B. Kawalan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan (RAT) software.
RAT biasanya dikategorikan sebagai "malicious activity" (aktiviti membinasa) kerana kebiasaanya installed tanpa pengatahuan mangsa, dengan payload trojan horse dan cuba menyembunyikan trojan daripada dihidu oleh security software (anti virus / malware)

Pengawal (RAT user) mengawal melalui internet connection diantara mangsa, RAT mempunyai kebolehan untuk:
~ Screen / Camera capture
~ Mengawal File di dalam hardisk
~ Control Power Computer (turn off,restart,log off)
~ Mengawal Registry

Contoh RAT software:
Dark Comet
Xtreme RAT
Poison Ivy
Sub Seven

This is just for educational purpose only. Using RAT to control unauthorized system is completely a crime. So Please don't try to do. (Discussing or Reading about thief technique is not crime but implementing)