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Phrozen Safe USB v1.0

Nowadays security is very important within a company or even at home. You should train yourself or your staff not to open mail attachments from unknown senders or not to download a tool from a suspicious looking website. But all these precautions are still not enough to avoid becoming infected by malware because antivirus programs cannot detect and remove 100% of attacks.
Hackers know of different ways to bypass Antivirus detection (crypting API calls as long they got the source code or using crypter program to obfuscate the virus and run it through another safe process, etc.).
Which means that ‘the more doors you close’ the more secure you will be. Phrozen Safe USBwill do exactly that: it will close one of the most favourite vectors for virusses: USB Storage devices.
Normally an USB Device is rather unsafe because it is designed to interact with your computer. Phrozen Safe USB is a tiny tool that allows you to control your USB Device Status and set it in three different modes.
  • Fully Operational Mode (FOM): USB Storage devices can be used normally (you can copy, modify, move or delete files);
  • Read Only Mode (ROM): You only can read its contents. Therefore no virus could copy itself to your computer to spread. Other cannot intentionally try damage, delete or modify the contents on your computer;
  • Disabled Mode: In this mode you are not able to see USB Storage devices anymore. It is in stealth mode. In this instance you don’t want anybody to export data or to import harmful content from your computer to USB Key.
Here are the three modes in action:
USB Normal Status
USB Normal Status

USB Read Only Status
USB Read Only Status

USB Disabled Status
USB Disabled Status

Control Status from Tray
Control Status from Tray
Note: Phrozen Safe USB proposes an option to run itself at windows startup. In this case you must have disabled the Microsoft User Account control (UAC) or it won’t start as it requires administrator privilege to modify the Windows registry.
DOWNLOAD Phrozen Safe USB v1.0