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How To Choose Good Free / Cracked Crypter?

Most of you have a lot of money, but dont want spend that money before try the crack or free one. :P . But less of you dont have at least $1 inside their pocket , so sympathy for them.  Choose one from thousand of crypters is hard thinking. Since i am here for help this poeple choose the right crypter for them.

How To Choose Good Free / Cracked Crypter?

1) crypter support customize startup
Startup key and startup File name must be legit and difference from popular name, like Google update. While you customize the startup name, it give less suspicous attention from deletion by victims

2) crypter freindly support all REFUD tools
This is most apart make your server always in FUD condition. Choose the crypter support almost my refud tool , easy refud by yourself.
All easy tool refud tools was worked well for .Net dependencies. Choose the .Net dependecies crypter.

3) crypter support Icon Changer
You need add your own icon related to filename / startup name you have been set. For less suspicous issue.

4) Support VBC injection
Bypass all Anti Virus detection and work well with all Different RAT