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Open Multiple New Tab Browser with Batch Script

Support all browser (ixplorer,chrome,firefox,dragon,etc)

Why need Script?
For those who like open more then one website each time using the internet browser.

How to make script?
1) Create new notepad, insert the code below

SET BROWSER=firefox.exe
START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
@ping -n %WAIT_TIME% -w 1000 > nul
START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""

2) Save notepad and rename .txt to .bat extension.
p/s : firefox.exe can be change with browser program you want to use, And You may add or modify the url with your desire.

How to use the script?
->Open the browser first (the browser you set in the script).
-> Run the script (double click)