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Fix Dark Comet v5 Port Forward issue winvista/7

Disini ada batch script untuk selesaikan bug port forward dark comet v5 , walaupun firewall anda sudah di disable kan

copy and paste kod ini ke dalam notepad, kemudian rename file .txt to .bat . Double-click for Run it.

@echo off

:: Please select your port by editing it below
:: Please do not touch anything below this

:: Enable firewall
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state on
:: Enabled

:: Set Rule Name
:: Set

if "%1"=="" call :_OpenPort
goto :EOF
:: Open port on firewall:
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=%RULENAME% >nul
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (
rem Rule %RULENAME% already exist.
echo I see that you already have this port open!
) else (
echo Rule %RULENAME% not exist. Creating new rule for you!
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=%RULENAME% dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%PORTNUMBER%
goto :EOF

1604 itu default port,,, klau anda mahu tukar kepada port anda, just tukar pada line 5 itu